How do you set up a tree stand?

Tree stands are platforms used by hunters, also known as deer stands, and can be either opened or enclosed. To offer the hunter a clearer viewpoint, these platforms are secured high in a tree. Three kinds of tree stands exist: stands for climbing, stands for ladders and stands for hanging. The only distinction between a climbing stand and a ladder is the way to the seat that is installed high in the trees.

Building the ladder is the first step.

  1. Lie two2-by-4 beams of 20 feet (6 meters) side by side, with the panel facing up2-inch (5-cm).
  2. Build the rungs. Cut into 2-foot (60.96 cm) parts some other2-by-4 beams. You’re going to need 14 parts.
  3. Place the rungs at 18-inch (45,72-cm) intervals along the 20-foot (6,096 meter)2-by-4’s.
  4. Nail or screw the2-by-4’s rungs, making sure they’re safe.
    This will prevent the ladder from shifting.

Build your seat now

  1. Find a nice seat building location.
  2. Nail two horizontally2-by-4’s, one above the other, into two neighboring branches.
  3. Nail on the2-by-4’s a piece of plywood. This is going to be the seat’s back.
  4. Nail two2-by-4’s one next to the other, protruding outward on two distinct neighboring branches.

Johnson Tree Stands